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Tulsk Camogie 6th August 2018

By August 6, 2018Latest News

There is no Under 8 training this week.

Under 10 training this evening Tuesday 6.30 to 7.15. The U10s play Boyle on Wednesday evening at 6.30pm.

Under 12 training 6.30 to 7.30 on Tuesday. The next round in the ‘Door Tec’ Under 12 League is at home to St. Dominics on 11th August at 11.00.

Junior training at 7.45pm in Tulsk on Tuesday evening. This group.have qualified for the B Final in the ‘Door Tec’ Junior league, date to be confirmed.

Best wishes to the Roscommon Camogie Under 16 Panel in the All Ireland Semi-Final on Sunday next against Mayo

Congratulations to Bridget Moylan, Kathy Jones and Alisha Lenehan with the Roscommon Junior Panel who beat Armagh in second Round of Liberty Inurance Premier Junior All Ireland Championship on Saturday last securing a place in the All Ireland Semi Final.

Tulsk Camogie Club are holding a clothes collection on 28th August 2018. Please leave all unwanted clothing at the Macra Hall or contact Lizz for pickup. Clothes can also be dropped off at all training sessions. This is an ideal opportunity for a clear out and raise much needed funds for the Club.